Contestant Classes

Light, Medium, or Heavy, what contestant will you pick?

Light Class


Exceptionally fast, but low survivability. Executes hit-and-run tactics. Specializes in stealth and evasion.

7 seconds
Health Regen Cooldown
Light is the smallest and most mobile Build, but has the lowest health. They have access to a variety of ranged and melee weapons, including fast-firing firearms and precision rifles. Light Builds can also utilize melee weapons and specializations that enhance their mobility and stealth capabilities. Light classes have the shortest health regeneration cooldown of 7 seconds after taking damage.

Key Specializations:

  • Cloaking DeviceCloaking Device: Become invisible for a short duration. Use for sneaking behind enemy lines or escaping dangerous situations.
  • Grappling HookGrappling Hook: Quickly reach high vantage points or cross large gaps. Perfect for surprising enemies from unexpected angles.
  • Evasive DashEvasive Dash: Perform a quick dash in any direction. Ideal for dodging incoming fire or quickly disengaging from combat.

Recommended Weapons:

  • XP-54XP-54: Versatile scoped SMG, effective at various ranges, with a higher damage output then the M11.
  • M11M11: Fast-firing SMG for close-quarters combat.
  • SR-84SR-84: Powerful sniper rifle for long-range engagements.

Team Composition Tips:

In a team, Light classes excel at flanking, scouting, and quick strikes. Pair with a Heavy for balanced offense, or with a Medium for enhanced mobility and support. A team composition of 1 Light, 1 Medium, and 1 Heavy can be very effective, with the Light player focusing on flanking and disruption.


To counter Light classes, use area denial abilities to limit their movement options. Also consider using Glitch GrenadeGlitch Grenades or Glitch TrapGlitch Traps to shut down their movement options entirely, well placed Explosive MineExplosive Mines can also instantly kill a light. Stay aware of potential flanking routes and use sound cues to detect cloaked enemies. Medium and Heavy classes can outlast Light in direct confrontations if they can land their shots.

Suggested Loadouts:

Cloaking XP-54 Light - A versatile build that combines stealth with precision, perfect for newcomers and veterans alike.

Grappling SR-84 Light - Ideal for players who prefer long-range engagements and high mobility.

Dashing SH1900 Light - A close-quarters combat build that emphasizes quick movements and area control.

Skill Ceiling:

Light class has a high skill ceiling. It requires excellent aim, map knowledge, and decision-making to fully utilize its mobility and stealth capabilities. Beginners may find it challenging due to low health, but experienced players can dominate with this class.


  • Focus on getting "picks" by engaging in 1v1 fights you can win, then quickly retreating to your team. Remember, Light excels in 1v1 situations but struggles in 1v3 scenarios.
  • Use your speed to flank enemies and attack from unexpected angles. For example, use the Grappling HookGrappling Hook to quickly reach high vantage points and surprise enemies.
  • Employ hit-and-run tactics, dealing damage quickly before retreating to safety. The Evasive DashEvasive Dash specialization is perfect for this, allowing you to quickly disengage after an attack.
  • Utilize stealth abilities to sneak behind enemy lines and disrupt their strategies. The Cloaking DeviceCloaking Device is invaluable for this, allowing you to become invisible and reposition without being detected.
  • Focus on providing cover fire for your team, using your mobility to quickly reposition and help out from different angles.
  • When using long-range weapons, find elevated positions to take advantage of their capabilities while minimizing exposure.
  • Take advantage of your quick health regeneration cooldown by disengaging from fights for short periods to recover health.
Medium Class


Excels in mid-range combat with average health and movement speed. Specializes in healing, scanning, or providing support.

9 seconds
Health Regen Cooldown
Mediums are versatile support Builds, with more health than Light Builds but slower and larger. Their loadout includes important utility such as the Healing BeamHealing Beam, Guardian TurretGuardian Turret, DefibrillatorDefibrillator, and deployable movement gadgets. Mediums have access to a wide arsenal of weapons, from assault rifles to bulletproof shields, making them adaptable in various combat situations. Medium classes have a health regeneration cooldown of 9 seconds after taking damage.

Key Specializations:

  • Healing BeamHealing Beam: Heal teammates from a distance, crucial for sustaining your team in prolonged engagements.
  • Guardian TurretGuardian Turret: Deploy an automated turret to control key areas and provide additional firepower.
  • DematerializerDematerializer: Dematerialize walls to walk, shoot and throw things through, remateralize to close walls.

Recommended Weapons:

  • AKMAKM: Versatile assault rifle with high damage output.
  • FAMASFAMAS: Burst-fire rifle, excellent for mid-range engagements.
  • Model 1887Model 1887: Powerful shotgun for close-quarters combat.
  • FCARFCAR: Reliable assault rifle with good all-round performance.

Team Composition Tips:

Medium classes are the backbone of most team compositions. They provide crucial support and can adapt to various situations. A balanced team might include 1 Medium, 1 Light, and 1 Heavy, with the Medium focusing on healing and support. In more aggressive setups, 2 Mediums can provide constant healing and revives while maintaining good offensive capabilities.


To counter Medium classes, focus on taking out their support capabilities first. Glitch GrenadeGlitch Grenades and Glitch TrapGlitch traps are very useful for this purpose, you could also use Data ReshaperData Reshaper to quickly get rid of turrets and mines. Try to separate them from their teammates to reduce their effectiveness.

Suggested Loadouts:

Healing AKM Medium - The "Default" build of THE FINALS, great for newcomers and experienced players.

Turret FAMAS Medium - A defensive build focused on area control and team support.

Dematerializer Model Medium - An aggressive build that excels at creating unexpected angles and flanking opportunities.

Skill Ceiling:

Medium class has a moderate to high skill ceiling. While it's more forgiving than the Light class due to higher health, mastering the support abilities and knowing when to switch between offensive and defensive play requires experience. It's a good choice for both beginners and experienced players.


  • Use healing abilities to keep your team in the fight longer. The Healing BeamHealing Beam is crucial for sustaining your team during prolonged engagements.
  • Deploy the Guardian TurretGuardian Turret in strategic locations to control key areas of the map and provide additional firepower.
  • Utilize the DefibrillatorDefibrillator to quickly revive teammates, this is almost a necessity.
  • If your team composition includes heavies, make sure you use your movement gadgets to help transport them around the map a lot faster.
  • Adapt your playstyle and loadout based on team composition and enemy tactics. Switch between offensive and supportive roles as needed.
  • Be mindful of your health regeneration cooldown. Use cover effectively to allow your health to regenerate during extended firefights.
Heavy Class


High survivability. Low movement speed. Specializes in demolition and fortifications.

10 seconds
Health Regen Cooldown
The Heavy Build is the slowest and largest, but has the most health. It offers a tank-like playstyle for capturing and controlling objectives. Equipped with abilities like Charge 'n' SlamCharge 'n' Slam, Goo GunGoo Gun, or Mesh ShieldMesh Shield, Heavies have access to powerful firearms and melee weapons. They can't crouch or slide through vents but can vault onto some elevated structures easier and throw objects further with the Gravity GloveGravity Glove than other Builds. Heavy classes have the longest health regeneration cooldown of 10 seconds after taking damage.

Key Specializations:

  • Charge 'n' SlamCharge 'n' Slam: Quickly close distances and disrupt enemy formations. Effective for breaching rooms or initiating team fights.
  • Goo GunGoo Gun: Create temporary obstacles or slow down enemies. Useful for area denial and controlling choke points.
  • Mesh ShieldMesh Shield: Deploy a large protective barrier that moves with your contestant. Ideal for providing cover during pushes or defending objectives.
  • Winch ClawWinch Claw: Deploy the claw to pull essentially anything within 12m to you, whether it be another contestant, a carriable or a piece of debris.

Recommended Weapons:

  • Lewis GunLewis Gun or M60M60: High capacity machine guns, excellent for suppressing fire and area control.
  • FlamethrowerFlamethrower: Short-range area of effect weapon, perfect for close quarters and area denial.
  • SA1216SA1216: Very strong automatic shotgun, easily one of the best weapons for Heavy.

Team Composition Tips:

Heavy classes excel at frontline combat and objective control. While a balanced team of 1 Heavy, 1 Medium, and 1 Light can be effective, the strongest team composition in the game is often considered to be 2 Heavies and 1 Medium. In this setup, the Medium player acts as a "dogwalker," focusing on healing and supporting both Heavies. This composition maximizes survivability and firepower, allowing the team to dominate objectives and withstand intense firefights.


To counter Heavy classes, use mobility to outmaneuver them and engage at range where possible. Focus fire to take them down quickly, as they can be formidable in prolonged engagements. Use explosives or area-of-effect abilities to force them out of fortified positions.

Suggested Loadouts:

Goo Sledge Heavy - A close-range powerhouse build focused on area denial and melee combat.

Charge SA1216 Heavy - An aggressive build that excels at initiating fights and close-quarters combat.

Shield Lewis Gun Heavy - A defensive build that provides cover for the team while delivering sustained firepower.

Winch KS-23 Heavy - A versatile build that combines crowd control with devastating short-range damage.

Skill Ceiling:

Heavy class has a moderate skill ceiling. While it's more forgiving due to high health, mastering positioning, timing of abilities, and managing the slow movement speed requires practice. It's a good choice for beginners but can also be very effective in the hands of experienced players who know how to maximize its strengths.


  • Use your high health to absorb damage and create space for your team. A heavy can easily win 1v1 fights, and they have a fairly decent chance at winning a 1v3.
  • Control choke points and objectives with your powerful weapons and defensive abilities. Heavy weapons are excellent for suppressing fire and area denial.
  • Utilize the Charge 'n' Slam to quickly close distances and disrupt enemy formations. This can be particularly effective when breaching rooms or initiating team fights.
  • Use the Mesh Shield to create temporary cover for your team, especially useful when pushing objectives in open areas.
  • Coordinate with Light and Medium teammates to create a balanced attack or defense. For example, provide cover fire while your Light teammate flanks.
  • Use environmental destruction to create new paths or deny enemy movement. Melee weapons are particularly effective for this, allowing you to quickly break through walls and floors.
  • Be aware of your longer health regeneration cooldown. Use your high health pool and defensive abilities to survive until your health starts regenerating.