Overlay Configuration

Configure your custom overlay to display real-time player statistics and leaderboard information.

Basic Settings


Display Options

Layout and Visibility

Hides rank icon for a more streamlined look

Displays information in a horizontal line instead of vertically

Information Display

Displays your current league (e.g., Gold, Platinum)

Displays your numerical rank on the leaderboard

Displays your current score or cash amount


Choose the language for displayed text (translations may not be perfect)

Choose a custom color for your player name

Choose the font for the overlay text

Choose the color for the overlay text

Adjust the size of the overlay text

Adjust the weight (boldness) of the overlay text

Background Customization

Choose the background color for the overlay

Adjust the opacity of the overlay background

Adjust the roundness of the overlay corners

Additional Options

Displays a countdown until the next data refresh

Hides the #0000 part of your player name

Animation Settings

Adds movement to your overlay (note: preview may differ from OBS)
